9 February 2010
IPN Orsay
Europe/Paris timezone
Going on! You can follow the meeting on EVO. See "EVO information".
One-day workshop on quarkonium production at the LHC that aims to promote rich discussion between theorists and experimentalists, with talks from theorists and first results from the four LHC experiments.
IPN Orsay
Salle des Conseils
Building 100

Retequarkonii is a networking of the I3 hadron Physics program of the EU 7th Framework programme. Retequarkonii aims at studying the production of quarkonia in hadronic collisions at ultra relativistic energies. About 27 research groups of 12 different countries participate to the Retequarkonii project. Retequarkonii will organize one training school for phD and two conferences between experimentalists and theorists. The duration of the Retequarkonii project is 30 months, starting on January 1st 2009 (end June 30th 2011). More information can be found in:
