from Tuesday, 19 March 2019 (08:00) to Wednesday, 20 March 2019 (17:30)
CERN (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Mar 2019
20 Mar 2019
08:15 Arrival at CERN (parking next to Globe)   ()
08:45 Movie "CERN" - Francois Briard (CERN)   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
09:00 Introductory briefing by AEC AWEX and FIT - Philippe Delcourt Michel Patteet   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
09:15 Procurement at CERN - Jerome Pierlot (CERN)   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
09:45 B2B meetings between Belgian companies and CERN staff   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
10:45 B2B meetings between Belgian companies and CERN staff   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
11:45 Departure to Glass Box restaurant   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
08:30 Departure from hotel   ()
09:00 B2B meetings between Belgian companies and CERN staff   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
10:00 B2B meetings between Belgian companies and CERN staff   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
11:00 B2B meetings between Belgian companies and CERN staff or visit of 180   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
12:00 Lunch - Restaurant 1   (Restaurant 1)
14:15 KT activities and aerospace applications - Enrico Chesta (CERN)   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
15:00 Eureka and Eurostars programmes - Vassil Kolarov   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
15:30 B2B meetings between Belgian companies and CERN staff   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
16:30 B2B meetings between Belgian companies and CERN staff   (Bldg 3179 - Ideasquare)
17:45 Departure to the Belgian Ambassador's residency   ()
18:30 Reception at the Belgian Ambassador's residency   ()
12:00 Lunch   ()
14:00 Departure from Restaurant 1 to Data Centre   ()
14:15 Visit of Data Centre and Antimatter Factory   ()
16:00 Departure to airport   ()