WG1 periodic meeting

Marco Zaro (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Mathieu Pellen (University Wuerzburg)
    • 1
      Studies of Dimension-Six EFT effects in Vector Boson Scattering
      Speakers: Raquel Gomez Ambrosio (Durham university), Dr Raquel Gomez Ambrosio (IPPP Durham (GB))
    • 2
      Parton-shower effects in electroweak 𝑊𝑍𝑗𝑗 production at the next-to-leading order of QCD
      Speaker: Johannes Scheller
    • 3
      Higgs-boson plus Dijets: Higher-Order Matching for High-Energy Predictions
      Speaker: Jennifer Smillie (Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edin. U.)