Neutron-induced charged particle reactions (n, p) and (n, α), especially on unstable proton-rich isotopes, play an important role in understanding explosive astrophysical scenarios and interpreting their remnants. In a recent publication [1], a novel approach is described to study experimental cross-sections of (n, p) and (n, α) reactions at explosive stellar temperatures for various nuclei for which experimental data is poor or even non-existent. Currently, we are pursuing the first phase of the project as described in [1, 2], where a Micromegas based gaseous detector for the detection of charged particles for our neutron-induced charged particle reaction studies is being developed. The simulation study of the experimental set-up and testing of the detector and its performance will be discussed in detail, and the astrophysics implications of various reactions being considered for our detailed investigation will be discussed.
[1] M. Friedman; Eur. Phys. J. A 56 (5) (2020)1-7.
[2] C. Yadav, M. Friedman; EPJ Web Conf., 260 (2022) 11048.