SA1 coordination meeting

28-R-06 (CERN)






This meeting is 10:00 to 11:30 UTC+1
Remote Participation via EVO in the EGEE Community.
Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL
- Password: SA1
- Phone Bridge:
ID: 1528835
Password: 7164
    • 10:00 10:10
      Admin matters
      1. DSA1.4: Progress report on SLA implementation
      2. DSA1.5: Operations Cookbook
      3. MSA1.11: Security Policy Integration
    • 10:10 10:30
      Transition to EGI (and preparation for AA meeting)
    • Check if contact has started for all tasks whose responsible change. Are there any agreed timelines for handover?
    • identify tasks whose final responsible is still not clear: action on all task responsibles and ROC managers to identify tasks whose responsibility in EGI is not clear
    • From ROCs to NGIs, prototyping exercise
transition tasks and contacts
  • 10:30 10:50
    Actions from HEPSPEC06 plan

    See agreed plan in the minutes from last meeting.
    - ROCs to follow up with sites through results of existing SAM test
    - After 80% of the infrastructure has migrated, start raising alarms/tickets and following up by the regional teams

  • 10:50 11:10
    Assesment of the CIC "gridops operations dashboard"

    The operations portal team did the release on Dec 9th of the new framework of the existing dashboard according to OAT requirements;

    did build up and release another complete test instance, completely separated from production, to widen the panel of testing federations.

    This test instance is suitable for Nagios alarms testing coupled with a GGUS training instance.

    The Operations Portal development team is looking for feedback for a month now, and awaiting the "acceptance criteria" for release filled on this Nagios instance by volunteer federations by Jan 15th.

    The Operations Portal is setting up also a workshop to present the regional dashboard packages distribution on Jan 26 th am as a pre-COD/-22 meeting in Lyon.

    Plans and release procedures are available from the following url:

    more information
  • 11:10 11:20
    EGEE baseline
    • updated documents describing the process
    • how to start applying it
    Instances of out of date services
  • 11:20 11:30
    Support for gLite 3.1 and gLite 3.2

    Proposal to stop gLite 3.1 support 2 months after the equivalent gLite 3.2 service is considered stable (who will declare this stability?)

  • 11:30 11:45
    December EGEE league table
  • one site candidate for suspension in AP ROC: PH-ASTI-BUHAWI (46%, 25%, 0%)
  • two ROCs with average availability below 70%: Canada (55%) and IGALC (59%)
  • please, chase sites to fill the comments:
  • 11:45 12:00
  • There is since last week a SAM check to validate the sanity of what sites publish for installed capacity that can be used to raise alarms. The name is "gstat2-check-ce". Many errors is most of the sites, please check!