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Weekly SA3 coordination phone conference

28-R-006 (CERN)



Andrew Elwell (CERN)
Weekly phone coordination meeting for SA3 partners. Added here to indico so I can keep notes
Apologies from: Elisabetta (INFN), Dennis (NIKHEF), Kalle (HIP), Gerard (PSNC) Present: Ioannis (GRNET); Gianni, Andrew [chair], Oliver (CERN); Zdenek (CESNET) Discussion of patch 3022 between grnet / LB product team - Follow up to be had via email. AE to initiate mail. ACTIONS - none outstanding. (all completed in meeting) update from emails received: INFN - wanted 3 new tasks to cover pre-certiification (done) PSNC - 3 reports for Argus almost ready - update due coming weekend.
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