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Beam-Beam and Luminosity Studies meeting

6/R-012 - conference room (CERN)

6/R-012 - conference room


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Guido Sterbini (CERN), Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)


Michele Carla', Emilia Cruz Alanis, Leandro Intelisano, Nikos Karastathis,  Sofia Kostoglou, Stefania Papadopoulou, Yannis Papaphilippou, Konstantinos Paraschou, Axel Poyet, Kyriacos Skoufaris, Guido Sterbini, Natalia Triantafyllou.

Guido opened the meeting by recalling the follow-up of the last meeting on the crab cavities. During the discussion of the past meeting, it was pointed out the importance to transfer to the HL-LHC case the approach adopted for the crab cavities studies in the SPS. Concerning the speed-up of the simulations using sampled distribution, a convenient sub-sampling of the core of the bunch should be investigated.

Guido presented the draft slides of the "First Results of the Compensation of the Beam-Beam Effect with DC Wires in the LHC", that will be part of the contributed talks in IPAC19.

Several constructive comments and suggestions were collected during the discussion and Guido will implement them before the rehearsal during the WP2 of the 14th May,

During the AOB, Axel presented the effect of the wire misalignment in the plane perpendicular to the plane of the crossing (5th axis). The DA results show that a measurable effect can be observed for misalignment larger than 1 mm. It was concluded that the present misalignment of the right wire in IR1 (~ 0.5 mm) is not expected to be a problem. Guido  pointed out that, for confirmation, similar simulations should be repeated for the quadrupolar configuration and that, during the installation of the wires in Beam 1, the mechanical range of the 5th axis should be verified.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.