EP Seminar

Looking forward to new physics: the FASER experiment

by Jamie Boyd (CERN)

222/R-001 (CERN)



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The goal of the, recently approved, FASER experiment is to search for new light, weakly-interacting particles at CERNs Large Hadron Collider.  By exploiting a unique location underground in the CERN tunnel system, FASER will provide world-leading sensitivity in a relatively small, quick, and inexpensive experiment. The FASER detector is currently under construction to be installed into the tunnel during 2020 in LHC Long Shutdown 2. This seminar will describe the physics motivations, detector design, expected performance of FASER, and current status, as well as the physics prospects.

Organised by

M. Pepe-Altarelli, G. Unal.......... Refreshments will be served at 10h30

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