9:00 AM
Juan Figueroa, Heidy Sierra & Emmanuel Arzuaga (Dept. of CSE) - YOLOv3 for ASL Translation
9:30 AM
Jairo Orozco Sandoval (Dept of Physics)- : Discovering phase transitions using unsupervised machine learning PCA
10:00 AM
Guillermo Fidalgo (Dept of Physics) - Machine Learning in DQM at CMS Experiment
Guillermo Antonio Fidalgo Rodriguez
(University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
10:30 AM
Fernando Arias, Emmanuel Arzuaga & Heidy Sierra (Dept. of CSE) - Compressive Sensing Biomedical Image Reconstruction with ISTA-NET
11:00 AM
Edgar Acuna (Dept. of Mathematics)- Visualizing multidimensional data using PCA and T-SNE