2:10 PM
Jana Schaarschmidt
(University of Washington (US))
Martin Erdmann
(Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
2:15 PM
DijetGAN: A Generative-Adversarial Network approach for the simulation of QCD Dijet events at the LHC
Serena Palazzo
(The University of Edinburgh (GB))
2:35 PM
A generator cell for LHC event GANs
Niclas Eich
(RWTH Aachen University (DE))
2:55 PM
How to GAN LHC Events
Ramon Winterhalder
(Universität Heidelberg)
3:15 PM
GAN based event subtraction for Monte Carlo methods
Anja Butter
3:35 PM
Teaching a Computer to Integrate
Claudius Krause
Christina Gao
4:25 PM
Lund jet images from generative and cycle-consistent adversarial networks
Frederic Alexandre Dreyer
Stefano Carrazza
4:45 PM
Fast Calorimeter Simulation in ATLAS: FastCaloSimV2
Sean Joseph Gasiorowski
(University of Washington (US))
5:05 PM
Fast Calorimeter Simulation in ATLAS with DNNs
Dalila Salamani
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
5:25 PM
Generative Models in CALICE
Engin Eren