24–25 Jun 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Measurement of the Higgs boson cross section in decays to tau leptons

25 Jun 2019, 12:10
Lecture room 103 (Prague, Czech Republic)

Lecture room 103

Prague, Czech Republic

Czech Technical University in Prague Břehová 7, 115 19 Prague, Czech Republic


Daniel Scheirich (Charles University (CZ))


Measurements with the Higgs boson decaying into tau leptons represent an important tool to test the SM and open up a window for discovery of potential new physics. In the talk, I will give a summary of the recent measurement of the Higgs cross section done with 2015+2016 data. I will continue with a report on the status of the ongoing analysis with the full Run 2 dataset.

Primary author

Daniel Scheirich (Charles University (CZ))

Presentation materials