24–25 Jun 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

First look at photon-induced interactions

Not scheduled
Lecture room 103 (Prague, Czech Republic)

Lecture room 103

Prague, Czech Republic

Czech Technical University in Prague Břehová 7, 115 19 Prague, Czech Republic


Mr David Gancarcik (Czech Technical University (CZ))


LHC could be seen as $\gamma\mathrm{+}\gamma$ collider, because of high photon fluxes, which highly boosted protons radiate. As SM predicts, the rare collision between two photons needs to be mediated by some other object (l, q, W$^{\pm}$). The talk gives a short description of, how such things could be modeled, using the FPMC (Forward Physics Monte Carlo) generator and how it could be measured using ATLAS&AFP detector systems.


Mr David Gancarcik (Czech Technical University (CZ))

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