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TH BSM Forum

Hunt for new forces at colliders and in the sky

by Diego Redigolo (Weizmann Inst. & Tel Aviv University)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room (CERN)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room


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New forces are ubiquitous in beyond the Standard Model physics and they can also explain some tension between data and Standard Model predictions. Hunting for these new physics targets is then an important challenge to face. In this broad context I will discuss two paradigmatic examples. The first is a new proposal to hunt for muonic forces at Kaon factories and in particular at NA62. Under some optimistic assumptions, I will show how this proposal might cover a part if not all of the parameter space where muonic forces explain the muon g-2 anomaly before a dedicated experiment will be actually built. Second I will give an update on dark cooling at 21 cm. I will show how the details of the dark sector dynamics can drastically modify the impact of dark cooling as an explanation of the EDGES anomaly. This observation could also have important consequences for future direct detection and collider experiments.