The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next-generation atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray observatory. CTA will be deployed as two installations, one in the Northern and the other in the Southern Hemisphere, containing dozens of telescopes of different sizes and designs, used for covering different energy domains. These telescopes, as well as many auxiliary instruments, will be coordinated by the Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA) software. An Integrated Protection System will take care of personnel and machine protection. Every morning after the observations, ACADA will deliver to a Data Processing and Preservation System the raw data acquired during the night for further processing in the offsite CTA data centers. An offline Science User Support System will deliver to ACADA the mid-term schedule. The mid-term schedule will be used by ACADA to determine automatically the night observations, taking into account the weather, incoming transient alerts, and laser traffic control systems on the sites. This contribution summarises the cybersecurity situation and plans in the CTA project.