ADC WFMS meeting

vydio only (CERN)

vydio only


Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Andrej Filipcic (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
    • 15:40 15:50
      Hot topics from ADC Ops, DPA, WFMS 10m
      Speakers: Ivan Glushkov (University of Texas at Arlington (US)), Rodney Walker (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
    • 15:50 16:10
      The first results for jobs preemption on Titan 20m
      Speaker: Danila Oleynik (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
    • 16:10 16:50
      harvester 40m
      Speaker: Tadashi Maeno (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
    • 16:50 17:00
      AOBs 10m