pre-GDB [Software Deployment] *remote-only* - missing recordings
We will use Zoom
Meeting ID: 943 6123 1273
We have a Vidyo room as backup:
In this meeting, we will look at both the infrastructure initiatives on container distribution and librarian efforts to use modern packaging approaches. The related technologies are CernVM-FS, Spack, containers (docker, k8s, singularity).
The aim is to collect a status quo of technologies used in WLCG and to gain a better common understanding of what each of the technologies can do for us and how they fit in the picture of the overall goal.
Particular questions that can be addressed in the discussion are:
- What do we expect as an experiment software platform? For instance, the hep-os-libs meta-package, the CernVM virtual machine, or experiment base containers can all be seen as a platform.
- How are software stacks for multiple architectures managed, e.g. different AVX flavors, AArch64, etc.
- How do we expect sites to evolve: Is singularity here to stay? Will we see a significant fraction of kubernetes clusters?
- How do developers prefer to get access to the latest experiment software stacks?
- How are user containers on batch/grid resources supported?
- What are the experiment plans for software archival (preservation)
- Will future outreach efforts (master classes etc) use local software or do we expect them to be fully web based?