ZEA-2 – System House for Research and development of electrical sensor, detector and measurement systems
The Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics – Electronic Systems (ZEA-2) is a scientific engineering institute at Forschungszentrum Juelich (Research Center Juelich). It develops complex electronic and information technology system solutions for science and research. These systems incorporate the acquisition of a physical event up to the extraction of information. In cooperation with other institutes of the research center Juelich and external partners, the field of research ranges from integrated ultra-low power and temperature readout circuits for quantum computing to data acquisition systems for large scale particle detectors like JUNO. The presentation will give an overview over the institute and present some highlights of recent developments.
Prof. Stefan van Waasen, is the head of Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics from Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH.