FCC Software Meeting
FCC Software bi-weekly meeting 26.04.2019
Present/Contributors: Patricia Azzi, Coralie Neubuser Pere Mato, Graeme Stewart, Lorenzo Pezzoti, Javier Cervantes Valentin Volkl
Apologies: Clement Helsens
Report from the CEPC workshop (see [slides](https://indico.cern.ch/event/815692/contributions/3404655/attachments/1834861/3005788/19-04-29-cepc-summary.pdf)
* cepc framework "sniper" developed in context of juno
* common Framework would be beneficial to everyone
- gaudi still a strong candidate
* at the workshop there was quite some interest in Podio/LCIO datamodel implementations
* PLCIO: LCIO implemented in Podio, developments by Frank Gaede
* Discussion will continue in Future Collider Software Workshop in June
Build system
* Reminder that lxplus changed to centos7, to use old releases it is necessary to connect to lxplus6
* externals 94.2 installed for centos7 and slc6
* FCCSW v0.10 [released](https://github.com/HEP-FCC/FCCSW/releases/tag/v0.10)
* Agreement that we should take advantage of the "Call to dd4hep users about future extensions and
satisfaction" to give some some feedback to dd4hep developers and highlight needs of FCC
* Clement will kindly compile issues in an email
* No specific major extension required but several areas where we could benefit from more developments:
* Optical Properties: One of the major issues for some of the detector performance studies, but developments for that are already ongoing/finished
- need installations of new versions
* VolumeManager: Current implementation could be more user-friendly (currently need to create many
tools such as
and flexible (for some simple models the position can easily be calculated with a formula instead
of a lookup of the transformation matrices).
* Fast Simulation: we already have the mixing in Geant4 so this is no a huge concern.
* ConditionsDB: not needed at the current state of FCC studies, but could be critical for precision
at FCC-ee, so we welcome developments on this
* Reconstruction geometries: reconstruction is maybe one of the most urgent areas for FCC software
right now, so any development there are also very beneficial.
* Visualization: maybe not a core functionality of DD4hep, but more functionality is very much
needed, not only for communication/outreach/talks but also for debugging of detector models