Summary of know-how gained at Cockcroft, GSI and with LHC fluorescence in 2018/19 with the resulting challenges
Amir Salehilashkajani
(Liverpool University), Dr
Hao Zhang
(University of Liverpool/Cockcroft Institute)
13/06/2019, 09:45
i. Neon, Argon and Nitrogen gas jet formation:
- Measured density
- Measured dimensions
- Comparison of measured vs predicted
- Estimation of integration time to work as an overlap instrument
- Estimation of integration time to work as a profile monitort
- ...
Stefano Mazzoni
13/06/2019, 10:15
i. Experiment performed
ii. Data obtained
iii. Obstacles (synchrotron radiation, scattered particles)
Peter Forck
13/06/2019, 10:40
i. Measurements with Argon
ii. Up-date table of gas yields comparison