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Gas systems project

155/R-047 (CERN)



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Beatrice Mandelli (CERN), Frederic Merlet (CERN)

GAS M&O meeting 06 May 2019

Present: Beatrice, Patrick, Roberto, Michal, Andrea, Fred, Gianluca, Kacper, LPh



ALICE #no elog

  • MTR modification: under discussion with Arturo —> LPh to order the pieces: to be ready for the PLC replacement (10/06)


  • MTR problem with humidifier (with GC we measure 1/3 of H2O with respect to the beginning of the test) —> LPh to investigate


ATLAS #1797

  • Problem with PGS for the Ar supply (elog 1790)
  • RPC Mixer: problem with C2H2F4 MFC
    • To change MFC with a small flow: Patrick found one at 150 l/h —> ok, to test it and to install this week —> Kacper
  • TRT need new pipes in distribution racks in 3-4 weeks—> Kacper
  • TGC missing 18 V power supply —> not reading of flow of CO2 —> Kacper/Patrick to check


  • Flowcell for new RPC racks —> Kacper to give the flow necessary —> to decide if 3 or 5 mm


CMS #1793

  • DT to put in open mode this week —> Andrea
  • RPC
    • Start modification of pre-distribution for upgrade 3.1/4.1
    • RE-3 rack installed, RE-4 rack will be installed on Saturday
  • Problem in flowcells for all gas systems (especially RPC where there is not anymore reading) —> check CANBUS and investigate —> Michal
    • For DT there is a cable to check in USC
    • For RPC: cables to check in USC and UX
  • Pneumatic pipes: missing CSC negative side, it will be finished this week
  • In total there is a leak of ~250 l/min in the N2 pneumatic lines in CSC and RPC
    • Now for the new FESTO rack there is a pressure regulator for each system
  • RPC need to stop for modification of purifier and connection of new pneumatic rack —> Beatrice to verify when
  • DT to do the buffer test 09/07 —> Andrea to organise and to add valve at input/output


LHCb #1793

  • RICH1 in Run with CO2
    • a lot of Air —> to do a purge this week —> Patrick
    • after the purge to monitor the Air content with the Analysis Chain (O2) and with GC —> Mara
  • RICH2 in Run —> need to start recuperation asap
    • need to install RIX —> this week
    • missing one MFM for the membrane —> Patrick prepared —> to install this week
    • to investigate for dry air compressor if it is possible to build with our grease —> Luca


  • MWPC in run with Ar/CO2
    • Rack 64 —> to investigate 



  • Nothing to report



  • Elog “Gas System Status” to update —> all gas system responsible


  • Purifier 3: discussion on logic and hardware
    • Here first drawings:
    • Purifier 1 and 3 for H2O absorption, Purifier 2 for O2
    • Purifier 1 and 3 to run in parallel
    • Add flowmeter at the input of Purifier 1 and 3: it will be used to regulate the flow going on each purifier
    • If one purifier stops, the by-pass valve will be open: there will be less impedance on this purifier module and therefore most of the gas will pass thought this purifier instead of the other. Two possibilities discussed:
      • Add a valve in the by-pass line to simulate the impedance created by the purifier column
      • Leave the system like in the drawings and in case of stop of one purifier, the piquet will intervene and regulate the flow through the two flowmeters at the input of each purifier module
    • The filter at the exit of purifier
      • It will be the new one (with large surface)
      • It will be placed outside the rack
      • On the by-pass we can add the old filter that nowadays it is in the rack
      • To add also differential pressure sensor on the new filter



  • Discussion of planning: from next week ALICE
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:20
      Maintenance procedure 20m
      Speakers: Frederic Merlet (CERN), Luca Graziani (CERN)
    • 09:20 09:25
      Piquet interventions 5m

      Speakers: Andrea D'Auria (CERN), Beatrice Mandelli (CERN), Frederic Merlet (CERN), Louis-Philippe De Menezes (CERN), Patrick Carrie (CERN), Kacper Jerzy Kapusniak (CERN), Michal Zbigniew Zimny (CERN)
    • 09:25 09:30
      Activities on-going 5m
      Speakers: Beatrice Mandelli (CERN), Frederic Merlet (CERN)
    • 09:30 09:50
      Plan of LS2 activities 20m
      Speakers: Beatrice Mandelli (CERN), Frederic Merlet (CERN), Roberto Guida (CERN)
    • 09:50 11:15
      Gas systems for the LHC experiments
      • 10:05
        ALICE 5m
        Speaker: Louis-Philippe De Menezes (CERN)
      • 10:10
        ATLAS 5m
        Speaker: Kacper Jerzy Kapusniak (CERN)
      • 10:15
        CMS 5m
        Speaker: Andrea D'Auria (CERN)
      • 10:20
        LHCb 5m
        Speaker: Patrick Carrie (CERN)
      • 10:25
        Gas analysis: standard H2O/O2 5m
        Speaker: Louis-Philippe De Menezes (CERN)
      • 10:30
        Gas web-page 5m

        Speaker: Beatrice Mandelli (CERN)
      • 10:35
        Software 10m
        Speaker: Michal Zbigniew Zimny (CERN)

        TN router exchange 23/05 08:00-12:00 - CLOUD and LINAC4 affected

    • 11:15 11:25
      FSU & Jobs status 10m
      Speaker: Frederic Merlet (CERN)
    • 11:25 11:35
      AoB 10m
      Speakers: Andrea D'Auria (CERN), Beatrice Mandelli (CERN), Frederic Merlet (CERN), Louis-Philippe De Menezes (CERN), Patrick Carrie (CERN), Roberto Guida (CERN)