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Masterclasses and Cosmic Ray: Common Session Steering Groups

SB lecture hall - SB1.1.201 (GSI)

SB lecture hall - SB1.1.201


    • 1
      Welcome and aims
    • 2
      Prep and follow-up for Masterclasses

      Collect projects and activities and make them available for students and educators:
      1. Do you offer preparation and/or follow-up for students or teachers?
      2. If so, which resources can you recommend?
      3. What sorts of resources would you like to see?
      4. Where would you (want to) store or search for resources online? How can these be found?
      5. Which resources might be helpful and common to Global Cosmics and IMC?

    • 3
      Streamlining video conferences
      1. What works and what does not work?
      2. What do students enjoy in videoconferences?
      3. What are the problems for students in videoconferences?
      4. Which technical systems are used? Which work well?