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ICDD#6: Visiting CERN: Mission Impossible?

CERN IdeaSquare (3179-R-D05)

CERN IdeaSquare (3179-R-D05)

Idea Circle Dinner Discussion #6:

Visiting CERN: Mission Impossible?


While CERN welcomes more than 135,000 visitors on guided tours and a few thousands more in permanent exhibitions every year, most guided tour requests are turned down. What are the challenges faced by Visits Service today? How are they addressed? What are the plans to welcome more visitors at CERN in the future?


About the speaker:

François Briard:
François holds an MSc in Computer Science and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Laws and Management of Communication and Information Technologies from the University of Namur, Belgium.

Despite a confirmed lack of interest to anything related to physics, François joined the CERN guides in 2007. His lack of knowledge was somehow compensated by a decade-long experience in various formats of improv shows. He loved talking about CERN, science and technology to visitors so much that he decided to change jobs after having developed administrative information systems for 20 years.

In 2015, François joined the Communication group as Local Engagement Officer. Since 2017, he leads the Visitors and Local Engagement section which deals with guided tours, operation of permanent exhibitions, CERN Reception and shop as well as local communication and events.


Idea Circle Dinner Discussion Series:

If you are interested in learning more about education, communication and outreach activities at CERN, we have launched a new series of talks specifically targeting CERN personnel looking to improve their communication skills, engage with the public, and network with experts in the field. The lecture and discussion series, named Idea Circle Dinner Discussions, will be held at IdeaSquare every other Wednesday at 18:00. Spaces are limited, so please register today to reserve your seat. (Light dinner and refreshments will be available for registered participants only).

ICDD events are scheduled at the following times:

  • ICDD#1: Wednesday 20 Mar 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#2: Wednesday 03 Apr 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#3: Wednesday 17 Apr 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#4: Thursday 02 May 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#5: Wednesday 22 May 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#6: Wednesday 29 May 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#7: Wednesday 12 Jun 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#8: Wednesday 26 Jun 6PM - 7PM

With LS2, this is the perfect time to expand your horizons beyond research and enhance your public engagement profile. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

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ICDD#6: Suggestions and Feedback