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4–6 Dec 2019
UBB, Concepcion
America/Santiago timezone

Lyapunov exponents of area preserving endomorphisms

6 Dec 2019, 09:30
Auditorio Hermann Gamm (UBB, Concepcion)

Auditorio Hermann Gamm

UBB, Concepcion

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Avda. Collao 1202, Casilla 5-C, Concepción, Chile


Radu Saghin (PUCV)


We consider a family of area preserving non-invertible maps on the two-torus, which is the composition of the well-known Chirikov standard family ($s_r$) with a linear expansion $E$. If $E$ is an homothety then our family can be seen as a "randomized" version of the standard family. We show on one hand that the Lyapunov exponents are different for all small values of $r$. On the other hand, for large enough expansion and values of the shear parammeter $r$, we also obtain lower bounds for the difference between the two Lyapunov exponents.

We will discuss ome possible generalization.

This is joint work with Martin Andersson, Pablo Carrasco and Jiagang Yang.

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