Today society where knowledge and technology are dominant parameters, the union and dialogue between different languages, such as science and art, expression of the human creativity and open-ended enquiry, help the dissemination and understanding of scientific and technological knowledge, often conceived as arid and incomprehensible to the more, as well as void of aesthetics and emotions.
Within the framework of the exhibition of Enrico Magnani “Searching the unknown- the Dark Matter Collection”, considering that for some years now a new dialogue has been established between science and art at CERN, making disciplines, once clearly united but now perceived as separate, to meet and mutually bear fruit, it has been decided to give an overview of the various activities where science meets art showing how technology is used by the artists and stimulate their creativity.
We invite you to attend the conference:
Searching the Unknown with Art & Science
18th July from 15h30
CERN Council Room, Main Building
• Claudia Marcelloni |Art at CERN e video “Making of HALO by Semiconductor” by former artists in residence
• Michael Hoch | Art@CMS/ORIGIN - Cross-disciplinary Science engagement and networking. Presenting the video “Dark Matter” performed by rapper Consensus
• Enrico Magnani | Creativity, innovation and technology
• Domenico Vicinanza | The sonification with video excerp. Presenting the video “History of a Discovery” by Chiara Mariotti
The afternoon will terminate with a guided tour to the exhibition of Enrico Magnani, interactive jamming with Domenico Vicinanza and a vernissage cocktail.