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Seminar Talks SoSe 2019

SR7 (C.01.101)

SR7 (C.01.101)

II. Institute of Physics University of Goettingen
    • 10:30 AM 11:15 AM
      Challenges and opportunities in hadronic reconstruction with ATLAS 45m

      Recording and reconstructing data from the upcoming Large Hadron Collider runs poses monumental difficulties, which demand innovative solutions in hardware and software. This seminar will review progress made by the ATLAS collaboration in devising methods to precisely reconstruct hadronic observables in the face of large pileup backgrounds. Strategies for pileup mitigation in online and offline reconstruction will be presented in the context of important searches and measurements featuring jets and missing transverse momentum.

      Speaker: Teng Jian Khoo (Universite de Geneve (CH))