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Rucio Development Meeting

4/S-056 (CERN)



Show room on map
Martin Barisits (CERN)
    • 15:00 15:10
      News 10m
      • Release schedule
        • Final 1.20.4 to be released on 09.08.2019
          • But... we're still on 1.20.4rc3
        • Original target for 1.20.5 was 26.08.2019
          • Most likely will be pushed back
      • New development container
        • With PostgreSQL, FTS, 3*xrootd
        • Ready to use already now, some improvements still coming:
          • performance tuning (also osmosis into travis container)
          • real TPC between xrootd (some outstanding auth problems)
          • even more docs
        • Target
          • have a fully working dev environment with all dependencies (no more mock implementations)
          • get rid of the demo container
          • base of development for the coding camp
    • 15:10 15:30
      News from the experiments 20m
      • Multi VO
        • All the tests pass!
        • Some daemons still to finish, looking very good
        • Ian writing docs for Multi-VO
          • Plan is to deploy test in September/October
          • Hopefully be container-based ;-)
      • James & Rohini for ESCAPE / SKAO
        • Working through the development environment
        • Problems with performance of unit tests
      • James also has |Travis performance/notifications problems
        • S3 support/storage for dev container
      • Riccardo working Aris in ESCAPE
        • Xcache support
        • Integration with Rucio
      • Natalia
        • new hire: Fabio
        • assign quotas to users
        • synchronisation of CRIC -> Rucio
        • quotas in CRIC as well
          • CMS policy most likely more complex than ATLAS
        • monitoring: prometheus instead of graphite
      • Aris
        • no news yet on import/export CRIC -> Rucio ... still setting up dev environment
        • --> #escape or #cric channel on slack
        • (Panos on holidays)
        • Metadata populated 1 mio DIDs then 10 mio DIDs
          • 0.3 seconds -> 1 mio, 2+ seconds on 10 mio
          • continue with metadata tests
          • later then with MySQL and Oracle
          • DBOD blew up ;-)
          • Problem with undertaker on deletion with foreign key constraint (?)--> bug
      • WebUI / Tracking of DID (Hannes)
      • SWAN Notebook to analyse Rucio data
        • Hadoop + Spark
      • ATLAS Ops is running well :-)
      • Eric
        • Hermes open connections to the broker
        • Have to check why connections are kept open
    • 15:30 15:50
      Hot topics 20m
      • Oracle19c testing
        • Currently being set up by Gancho&Co on INT8R
        • Full copy of ATLAS data without history (3.7TB in total)
    • 15:50 16:20
      Developers roundtable 30m
      • Rucio 1.21 priority followup
        • Focus
          • Cleanup & Stability
          • Documentation
          • Deployment (Kubernetes!)
        • Open ID connect #2612
          • Will use refresh tokens to store in the database
          • Need to setup auth server for testing
          • --> Possibility to test with a pre release for ESCAPE?
          • Lifetime of refresh token is infinite at the moment
        • Rucio.cfg vs Rucio config table cleanup #2630
          • Will start a document and have every component responsible to comment;
        • Documentation for configuration parameters #2631
        • History table definition explicitly (No Versioned models) #2063
        • MultiVO features #2635
        • Reaper 2.0 #2412
          • PR for the first prototype is there
            • Already being tested on small amount sites
          • Relax protection of sources #1637
            • More complicated than we thought;
            • Query should scale but need to see if it will hold under heavy load;
          • Fill contents history when deleting last replica #37
          • Archive Handling in Reaper #1431
            • Current issue we discussed in Community news
          • Reaper protection in case of Judge-Evaluator backlog #1578
        • Operators documentation / recipes #2636
        • Expand Kubernetes usage
          • conveyor-submitter, poller, finisher and undertaker are now running
            • Running stable now
            • Almost all daemons are running now on kubernetes
            • hermes and reaper
        • Tracking what happened with a did #2637
          • In progress; Some code from the coding camp, but needs to be continued
        • XCache config table population add to probe #2638
          • Needs to be commited
        • BB8 Needs better configuration and get rid of hard-coded entries
        • Better way to deal with configuration/permissions (entry point,, …) #533
        • Transparent handling of archives with rules #1091
        • Global Quotas #2315
          • Making progress; Updating the CLI
        • Possibility to inject rules delayed #2639
        • Improve oracle test crashes #2588
          • Some improvements, unclear if it helped
        • Python 3.5 for server
          • pystatsd does not support Python3
            • Change to statsd possible
          • Postgres issue with byte and text data
        • Python 3.6 for clients
          • Should be compatible, but something missing in the tests
        • Changes for CTA transfer handling #2632
          • Non trivial, still needs to be discussed
          • Could do multi-hop handling right away with this, but should focus development on CTA handling first
        • Source throttling #2611
          • Almost done; Need to add src_rse_id
          • Now using rse_transfer limits table
          • Will need schema change as well
          • One test failing because of sqlalchemy with sqlite; Otherwise development is done
        • Activity exclusion for submitter #2640
    • 16:20 16:30
      AOB 10m