Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions at the few-GeV Energy Scale: Relevance, Present Status and Future Prospects
Neutrinos have played an important role in particle physics since their discovery half a century ago. They have been used to elucidate the structure of the electroweak symmetry groups, to illuminate the quark nature of hadrons, and to confirm our models of astrophysical phenomena. With the discovery of neutrino oscillations, neutrinos take centre stage as the object of study. Measurements of potential CP-violation effects in the neutrino sector, the determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy and stringent tests of the 3-flavour paradigm will be some of the major directions in science during the next decade and beyond. However, limitations in our understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions degrade our physics reach. A substantial improvement is required for the successful physics exploitation of the current and future generation of accelerator neutrino experiments whose systematic error requirement approaches the per cent level.
I will give a brief overview of the current accelerator neutrino physics landscape, explain the significance of improving our understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions and highlight some of the most pertinent puzzles. In particular, I will emphasise open problems at the boundary of particle and nuclear physics. In addition, I will introduce GENIE (, a neutrino-nucleus interaction simulation used by nearly all current and near future neutrino experiments: I will summarise the current status and development efforts, and highlight opportunities for engaging the CERN theory community.