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BLonD code development meeting

864/1-B04 (CERN)



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Discussion about longitudinal dynamics codes

  • BLonD
  • LoCa
  • Tomo
  • Impedance data base
  • Common toolbox?

Aspects for decision making

  • Maintainability of code
  • Avoid repetition of code
  • Easy installation of BLonD in/outside CERN
  • Partial re-writing from scratch

What we agree on

  1. Need to agree on the structure beforehand
  2. Common interfaces, file formats can change
  3. Modularity

Gitlab vs Github

  • Open source on Gitlab is downloadable from outside-CERN users, but they cannot contribute


  • OP is interested to make an application, and push e.g. voltage programmes to LSA? Expert vs operational use, is it a good idea? Is it better to use makerules for simple programming? -> Iterative methods with LoCa/interfacing with an application?

Input parameters/Base classes/Interfaces

  • Ring (extended)
  • RF (extended)
  • Beam?
  • Profile
  • Impedance
  • Parent (common part) and child classes (specific to different)


  • Central Interface package that can be used with different releases or BLonD suite that forces everybody to update?
  • Need to aim for an Interface package that is quite rigid, with Parent/Child classes that are making sure that potential rare changes only affect one other

Interface/Core package: BLonD_common

  • Math
  • Fitting functions
  • Interfaces (used to be input_parameters)
  • rf_functions (potential_wells)
  • filters
  • fitting
  • TODO: make a draft, agree on interfaces next time
  • N.B.: try to keep everything as general as possible
  • LCG distribution: available on SWAN and lxplus and TN. No limitations on the number of packages. Need a .tar with s script for installation. Next release in November, would require a package by end of September.

Impedance: separate sensitive/CERN-internal part from public part






There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:10
      News & publication 10m
      Speakers: Aaron Farricker (CERN), Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Christoffer Hjerto Grindheim (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO)), Giulia Papotti (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Joel Repond (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)), Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Luis Eduardo Medina Medrano (CERN), Markus Schwarz (CERN), Simon Albright (CERN), Theodoros Argyropoulos (CERN)
    • 11:10 12:00
      Discussion on longitudinal dynamics codes 50m
      Speakers: Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Simon Albright (CERN)