EP-IT Data Science Seminars

PHYSTAT Seminar: Statistical discovery and the modelling of rare events

by Prof. Davison Anthony (EPFL Lausanne)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map

Statistical discovery is often described as finding a needle in a haystack, and amounts to a rare event.  This talk will discuss the links between discovery and rare event modelling, which is a rapidly-developing area of statistics with deep links to stochastic modelling.  The discussion will be illustrated by examples including gene-hunting, assessing the evidence for an upper limit to human lifetimes, and ethics for the automatic use of artificial intelligence.  


The seminar will be followed by a discussion session with the speaker (14.00 to 15.00) in 40/R-D10.

Organised by

M. Girone, M. Elsing, L. Moneta, M. Pierini
Event co-organised with the PHYSTAT Committee
Coffee will be served at 10h30