Ka-Band Linearizer (+related issues)

Rantapuisto Hotel Helsinki

Rantapuisto Hotel Helsinki


This entry presents the partners with a platform to lay down the basis and discussions of issues related to the effects of a Ka-band linearizer to the overall beam quality prior to the FEL stage of the XLS machine. The aim is to identify important points, and assignment of responsibilities/tasks to the partners involved.

A. Castilla
    • 16:30 16:50
      Errors, beam, and effects 20m

      A brief description of different type of errors that can be expected for the linac, including a Ka-band linearizer. Their effects on the beam characteristics after the linac, and the question on the consequences carried out by these on the FEL performance/requirements.

      Speaker: Andrea Latina (CERN)
    • 16:50 17:30
      Discussion 40m

      Round table discussion on the effects, the concerns, tasks and identifying main actors for such. Several partners and work packages present during the discussion