Bosnian Teacher Programme
The Bosnian Teacher Programme 2020 will take place from 4-8 February 2020. Lectures, on-site visits, exhibitions, and hands-on workshops will introduce its participants to cutting-edge particle physics. We hope our participants will go back to Bosnia & Herzegovina as ambassadors, who pass on the subject to our next generation of physicists, engineers, IT specialists, etc.
Prvi bosanskohercegovački CERN-ov program za profesore bit će održan od 4. do 8. februara 2020. godine. Predavanja, posjete eksperimentima, izložbe te praktične radionice upoznat će učesnike s trenutnim istraživanjima u fizici čestica. Nadamo se da će se naši učesnici vratiti u Bosnu i Hercegovinu kao ambasadori, te usvojeno znanje prenijeti na buduću generaciju fizičara, inžinjera, IT stručnjaka, itd.
Bosnian Teacher Programme 2020:
Teacher Programme Manager:
Jeff Wiener: 0041 75 411 9010
In case of emergency:
CERN fire brigade: 0041 22 76 74444