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ATLAS UK Cloud Support



Tim Adye (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Stewart Martin-Haugh (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))

● Outstanding tickets Lancaster Frontier squid: issue resolved but not clear if local users are bypassing the FRONTIER_SERVER Glasgow Frontier squid: need to check if high traffic from Glasgow causes an issue on RAL side - if not we can close ticket


● Birmingham/Cambridge XCache

No updates this week

● Diskless sites

Cambridge and Sussex site draining in progress.

● Centos 7 migration

Glasgow, Sheffield and QMUL all have resources available on Centos 7.


RHUL and Sussex in progress.

● xrootd/HTTP transfers

Tim: The RAL FTS server was upgraded yesterday. It went smoothly. This upgrade does not include xrootd support (as requested). Alastair explained the situation in a mail to the DOMA TPC group.

● News round-table

Alessandra: NTR

Elena: requested a compiled set of minutes (can be done by anyone with manager rights for meeting)

Gareth: NTR

Matt: Progress on DOME

Patrick: NTR

Sam: NTR

Stewart: HTCondor-CE migration at RAL ongoing

Tim: 2PB request for ATLAS to be raised at PMB next week

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    • 1
      Outstanding tickets Lancaster Frontier squid: issue resolved but not clear if local users are bypassing the FRONTIER_SERVER Glasgow Frontier squid: need to check if high traffic from Glasgow causes an issue on RAL side - if not we can close ticket


    • 2
      Ongoing issues
      • a) Birmingham/Cambridge XCache

        No updates this week

      • b) Diskless sites

        Cambridge and Sussex site draining in progress.

      • c) Centos 7 migration

        Glasgow, Sheffield and QMUL all have resources available on Centos 7.


        RHUL and Sussex in progress.

      • d) xrootd/HTTP transfers

        Tim: The RAL FTS server was upgraded yesterday. It went smoothly. This upgrade does not include xrootd support (as requested). Alastair explained the situation in a mail to the DOMA TPC group.

    • 3
      News round-table

      Alessandra: NTR

      Elena: requested a compiled set of minutes (can be done by anyone with manager rights for meeting)

      Gareth: NTR

      Matt: Progress on DOME

      Patrick: NTR

      Sam: NTR

      Stewart: HTCondor-CE migration at RAL ongoing

      Tim: 2PB request for ATLAS to be raised at PMB next week

    • 4