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1–6 Dec 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Training from 1 to 6 December included

  • From 1 to 4 December 2019 morning : Training by R.L. Boxman and E. Boxman


Objective: Give participants tools needed for organizing and preparing their scientific and technical communications, in academia and in industry.

SyllabusThe course reviews in detail best practice for writing “research reports”, including theses, internal reports, and especially journal papers.

Course organization: 

  1. Lectures. 12 frontal hours of lectures - mostly by Prof. R.L. Boxman. Lectures will be for 3 hours per day, 4 days (1-4 December 2019).
  2. Class Participation. Students will be expected to actively participate in the lectures. Each student is required to bring to class an example of what they consider to be a good journal paper in their field. They will be asked to identify key elements of this paper, and present it to the class. Likewise, there will be class exercises of writing key sentences of a journal paper, and discussing them in class.
  3. Exercise. The students will be given exercises to be completed in stages during the course. Each stage, and the final complete exercises, will be checked by Mrs. Edith Boxman. The version for the CERN EASITrain Project will have an added section addressing the key elements in research proposals through step by step exercises.
  4. Tutorial Meetings. Mrs. Boxman will meet with individual students during the breaks, or before/after lectures, to give feedback on the graded exercise, and to work on individual problems.
  • On Wednesday 4 December 2019 afternoon: Hints and tips on how to publish including a Q&A session - Ms Reichert from Springer
  • On Thursday 5 and Friday 6 December 2019: Training by Dr. DI Fabian Stanke from SONN & PARTNER - European Patent Attorneys and European Trademark Attorneys


Short description of the training: Practical introduction to the identification, assessment and possibilities for protection of different types of IP in a research context, with a focus on technical IP and based on examples from different technology areas (hardware, software, discovery) 

Objective: Enable participants to recognize and realistically assess the importance of IP and to initiate and effectively support appropriate measures for their protection.

Course organization: written introduction with examples, preparatory homework exercice, summary lectures, workshop and exercices.

Rooms training and schedule:

Sunday 01/12/19 from 2pm to 5pm 40/4-C01
Monday 02/12/19 from 9am to 12pm 6/2-004
Tuesday 03/12/19 from 9am to 12pm 160/1-009
Wednesday 04/12/19 from 9am to 12pm // 2pm to 4pm 37R-022
Thursday 05/12/19 from 9am to 1pm // 2pm to 6pm 37R-022
Friday 06/12/19 from 9am to 1pm - Free afternoon 160/1-009