Hadronics & QCD
- Pedro Bicudo (CeFEMA)
The lattice QCD group at CeFEMA, researches hadronic physics with high performance computing. Lattice QCD starts from the QCD Lagrangian, and utilizes discrete techniques inspired in condensed matter physics. We develop CUDA codes to run in our servers with some o the NVIDIA graphics boards with the largest number of cores and memory. We generate our gluon configurations using Monte Carlo...
This talk gives an overview about flux tubes on Lattice QCD. We will show the results for flux tubes at zero and finite temperature. Finally, we will present recent results of the excited spectrum of the gluonic fields produced by a static quark-antiquark pair.
I will talk about the calculation of Wilson's loop and how to extract the form on potential between quark and anti-quark without using smearing and compare the speed of the of the code on CPU and GPU. I will finish with a roughly talk on calculation of hybrids' properties which is the next phase of my work.