7–11 Nov 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Fees and payment method

The registration is now open at the web page (please, do not forget to use the Indico web page for registering your name in the participant list):




The regular conference fee is 300 Euros for in-person participation and 50 Euros for following it on-line. A late registration fee of 350 Euros will be charged after September 30th, 2022. Note, too, that there is a student discount, i.e. a reduced fee of 150 Euros (*); and the possibility of adding an accompanying person by paying expenses of conference’s social events. Finally, please note that for on-site payment of the conference fee we can only accept cash.


(*) PhD students, who would like to pay the reduced fee, should contact either Prof. Dr. Feliciano de Soto (fcsotbor@upo.es) or Prof. Dr. Jorge Segovia (jsegovia@upo.es) before making the registration fee payment.