The new Outer Tracker of CMS for the Phase-II upgrade will host about 13’000 Modules which will be cooled by two-phase Carbon Dioxide (CO2) flowing at a temperature of around -35°C at the evaporator. Given the mechanical and geometrical complexity of the Modules, simulations based on the Finite Volume Model have been extensively used in the R&D process for evaluating their thermal performance...
For the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), CMS will install a completely new silicon tracker. The future outer tracker will consist of two barrel parts and two endcaps (TEDD), one on each side. One endcap is made of five double-disks. One double disk is assembled from four half disks (Dees) on which the detector modules are mounted. The Dees are a highly embedded carbon fiber and foam sandwich with...
The LHCb Upgrade requires a new Silicon Strip Tracker detector with improved performance.
The Front-End read-out electronics will be in the active area, close to the sensors: this is a key feature driving the mechanical and cooling detector design, together with the requirement to mantain the maximum temperature of the Silicon Sensor below −5°C during data-taking, to withstand radiation...
To deal with the increased luminosity of the HL-LHC, the CMS experiment will be upgraded until 2028. During this Phase-2 Upgrade the CMS Outer Tracker will be equipped with modules each consisting of two silicon sensors, either two strip sensors (2S module) or one pixelated and one strip sensor (PS module), depending on the position in the tracker. In the barrel region of the CMS Outer...
For the Inner Tracker (ITk) detector of the ATLAS experiment at CERN the environmental monitoring is essential for optimal operative conditions. A constant relative humidity monitoring is required in fifty different points inside the ITk detector, where the dew point is lower than -60°C.
In this context, Fiber Optic Sensor (FOS) technology based on Long Period Grating (LPG) and Fiber Bragg...
The ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) of the phase-II upgrade of the current
ATLAS tracking detector and is designed to meet the challenges at the high-
luminosity LHC. The ITk silicon strip end-caps will cover the forward directions
of the detector and consist of six disks populated with wedge-shaped silicon
micro-strip sensors, divided in modules containing the readout, power and con-
To cope with the High Luminosty LHC (HL-LHC) data taking contidions the tracker detector of the CMS will be replaced by a completely new and enhanced version within the Phase-II Upgrade. The future outer tracker consists of two barrel parts and two end caps where one end cap is made of five double-disks, each hosting the p_T modules on all four surfaces. The building block of the mechanical...
The Silicon Tracking System (STS) is the main tracking detector of the future CBM experiment
at the future FAIR facility. It is designed to reconstruct charged particles trajectories inside a
1 Tm magnetic field to achieve a momentum resolution better than 2%. The system
comprises of 890 low-mass detector modules, based on double-sided silicon micro-strip
sensors, distributed on 8 tracking...
Within the Panda experiment, the STrawTube - detector (STT) is one of the innermost detectors at the interaction point for recording information of the generated events. In order to record as much data as possible in high quality, a high detector recording density is provided. This leads to the minimum packing space for the required electronic hardware in the STT setup. One aspect in the...