10–15 Jan 2021
Weizmann Institute of Science
Asia/Jerusalem timezone
See you at IS2023 in Copenhagen in June 2023

The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC

14 Jan 2021, 15:55
Andrea's room 1 (vDLCC)

Andrea's room 1


oral New facilities: DIS and hadronic experiments FE


Stefan Bathe (Baruch College, CUNY)


The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC is currently under construction and on
schedule for first data in early 2023. Built around the excellent
BaBar superconducting solenoid, the central detector consists of a
silicon pixel vertexer adapted from the ALICE ITS design, a silicon
strip detector with single event timing resolution, a compact TPC,
novel EM calorimetry, and two layers of hadronic calorimetry. The
hybrid streaming/triggered readout of the detector enables full
exploitation of the luminosity provided by RHIC. The science program
of sPHENIX focuses on jets and heavy flavor, observables with specific
relevance to questions of the initial state in heavy ion collisions.
The talk will describe the readiness of the experiment for operations,
present an overview of the envisioned physics program. The science program
of sPHENIX focuses on jets and heavy flavor, observables with specific
relevance to questions of the initial state in heavy ion collisions.
The talk will describe the readiness of the experiment for operations,
present current projections of key jet and heavy flavor measurements, and
discuss their potential scientific impact.

Primary author

Stefan Bathe (Baruch College, CUNY)

Presentation materials