10–15 Jan 2021
Weizmann Institute of Science
Asia/Jerusalem timezone
See you at IS2023 in Copenhagen in June 2023

A New Approach to First-Order Relativistic Hydrodynamics

11 Jan 2021, 19:20
Andrea's room 1 (vDLCC)

Andrea's room 1


oral New theoretical techniques at large and small coupling NT


Prof. Jorge Noronha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


In this talk we explain how the novel first-order approach proposed by Bemfica, Disconzi, Noronha [1], and Kovtun [2] naturally solved the long-standing problems of causality, stability, and well-posedness of relativistic Navier-Stokes theory. We discuss the differences between this new approach and Israel-Stewart theory, emphasizing how such distinctions could affect our current understanding of the hydrodynamic evolution of the quark-gluon plasma. We also explain how to derive this hydrodynamic approach from kinetic theory using a new coarse-graining method that is different from the well-known Chapman-Enskog expansion and the method of moments. Finally, we discuss how this new first-order theory emerges at strong coupling using holography.

[1] F. S. Bemfica, M. M. Disconzi, J. Noronha, Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 10, 104064; Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 10, 104020; and arxiv e-Print: 2009.11388.

[2] P. Kovtun, JHEP 10 (2019) 034; R. E. Hoult, P. Kovtun, JHEP 06 (2020) 067.

Primary authors

Prof. Jorge Noronha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Prof. Marcelo Disconzi (Vanderbilt University) Prof. Fabio Bemfica (ECT - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)

Presentation materials