3:30 PM
CS3 Community Summary with the CS3MAP – Animated MAP of the CS3 community
Dr. Tilo Steiger
(ETH Zuerich)
Stefano Stalio
3:45 PM
bwSync&Share at KIT
Klaus Scheibenberger
3:51 PM
A SOLID Distributed Architecture for Sciebo Research Data Services
Peter Heiss
(University of Muenster)
Jens Stegmann
(University of Muenster)
Holger Angenent
(University of Muenster)
3:57 PM
Supporting Keycloak in iRODS systems with OpenID authentication
Rubén Jesús García-Hernández
(Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
4:03 PM
Preparing EOS for Enterprise Users
Molan Gregor
4:09 PM
UNCloud, a cloud storage and collaborative work platform in a french university.
Matthieu Le Corre
Arnaud Abélard
4:15 PM
Backup and DR with Large Datasets
Fergus Kerins
4:21 PM
BNLBox: A New Cloud Storage Service at the BNL SDCC
Hironori Ito
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
4:27 PM
Breaking Cloudstor since 2019, so our users won't
Brad Marshall
(AARNet Pty Ltd)
4:33 PM
Evolving the Nextcloud ecosystem - during spare time
Marcel Scherello
4:39 PM
Large scale Home Directories migration: from DFS to CERNBox
Apostolos Smyrnakis