Biweekly meeting: C++ Modules in ROOT

Oksana Shadura (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)), Vasil Georgiev Vasilev (Institute for Advanced Physical Studies (BG))

Attendance: David, Vassil

Vassil: Upgrading llvm.

David: Got rid of the compilation warnings in cmssw. Doing performance checks. I am working on reducing the number of test failures. We have 1 more failing relval check than the regular IB and a few unit test failures.

Priorities: Fix boost_fusion. Understand performance. Reduce module duplicates.

Enabled modules in cmssw: 285/395 (external modules such as boost excluded).
Enabled external modules in cmssw: boost 85, clhep 1, tinyxml2 1, cuda 1.

CXXMODULE IB stats: 8 failing relvals; 13 failing unit tests.

AOB: Next meeting in two weeks



Dir0 is CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-09-14-2300/pu35
Dir1 is CMSSW_11_2_CXXMODULE_X_2020-09-14-2300/pu35/

Job number     

Quantity            Dir0             Dir1
JobReport3  TotalInitCPU    5.42 +/-  0.46   15.67 +/-  1.17
JobReport3  TotalLoopCPU  830.10 +/-  7.84  846.46 +/- 21.72
JobReport3  PeakValueRss 4382.45 +/- 38.68 6783.89 +/- 45.01
JobReport4  TotalInitCPU   38.51 +/-  0.26   64.20 +/-  0.68
JobReport4  TotalLoopCPU 3044.22 +/- 20.28 3073.05 +/- 40.80
JobReport4  PeakValueRss 6216.09 +/- 43.99 9027.43 +/- 10.82
JobReport5  TotalInitCPU   49.51 +/-  0.62   78.33 +/-  2.35
JobReport5  TotalLoopCPU 4255.98 +/- 23.25 4335.20 +/- 99.40
JobReport5  PeakValueRss 4103.68 +/- 102.88 6969.09 +/- 15.94
JobReport6  TotalInitCPU   27.81 +/-  0.22   53.77 +/-  0.49
JobReport6  TotalLoopCPU  291.81 +/-  0.65  291.79 +/-  1.76
JobReport6  PeakValueRss 1814.03 +/- 77.93 4552.62 +/-  3.49
JobReport7  TotalInitCPU   21.30 +/-  0.15   34.39 +/-  0.19
JobReport7  TotalLoopCPU   56.24 +/-  0.35   56.23 +/-  0.36
JobReport7  PeakValueRss 1300.94 +/-  5.79 3655.57 +/-  5.45
JobReport8  TotalInitCPU   49.76 +/-  0.29   77.20 +/-  0.37
JobReport8  TotalLoopCPU 5044.73 +/- 108.69 5008.71 +/- 19.56
JobReport8  PeakValueRss 4284.05 +/- 91.17 7106.26 +/- 26.30

(next is GMI)

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:30
      Updates 30m
      Speakers: Oksana Shadura (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)), Vasil Georgiev Vasilev (Institute for Advanced Physical Studies (BG))
    • 14:30 15:00
      Round table 30m