DOMA / TPC Meeting


We will use Zoom

Meeting ID: 215 543 044

We have a Vidyo room as backup:

Discussion based on Petr's status update of the ATLAS tests


we discussed FTS number of bugs and next releases. There is a major refactoring of the code foreseen to support libcurl and libneon. However Miha will separate the fixes needed for the ATLAS tests from the refactoring and release them next week.  They will take a bit longer to arrive to fts-atlas as they have to pass through fts-pilot first. It is better than wait for the code refactoring next month.


DPM: 1.13.2 is not good enough we are waiting for 1.14 to be released. Talk to Fabrizio and Oliver about release timeline.

dcache: a number of minor problems mostly due to documentation in particular WriteToken needs to be added to the twiki we distribute for TPC since only a handful of sites seem to be aware of it and there is a new tool to update recursively which was requested by some administrators.

xrootd: two different implementation vs. Ongoing work to merge them and h ave a single VOMS extractor for http and xrootd. However this seems a major refactoring of the code for something that will be superceded by token AAI. We will organise a meeting with Ricardo and Andy to understand the need for this.

Storm: non-GPFS sites have accounting problems. While this is not strictly TPC we are asking production sites to upgrade and they need the correct accounting working without SRM. Andrea raised the priority of the opened issue with the person working on it.

Storm and dcache: unable to pull from dynafed when using macaroons. They share the same underlying problem there is an extra authorization header that needs to be added. While this is currently not high priority it needs to be addressed because the underlying issue is with S3


we are not going to enforce any request signing level. Asking sites to enable it may create problems at sites with shared storage and older clients. TLS is the longer term solution and it is better to wait for that than causing consusion by asking to reconfigure the sites with different settings few months apart. We know how long it takes to get all sites in line.

dcache doesn't create parent directories. This has been fixed in the next release. standard xrootd silently does it without extra options now also dcache will do this. A second problem is that to work with EOS  dcache sites have to change the configuration and add unixto the list of plugins. We need to document this in the twiki too.


XRootD 4.12 comes with RemoteConnections in HTTP-TPC perf markers (missing support in StoRM, dCache, davix)

do we need to do anything about this or is this already on the TODO list of other storages?

Brief update on the token testbed

Andrea has a skeleton of documentation that can be edited he will add it under the Authz WG documentation space where we can contribute.

Although not related to tokens yet we have asked sites to enable WLCG VO at least for VOMS authorizartion. Need some testing.

Next meeting

we will have a more detailed discussion about the progress on setting up this testbed.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 17:30 17:45
      Experiments tests 15m
      Speaker: Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University (CZ))
    • 17:45 17:55
      Token Authorization testbed 10m
      Speakers: Andrea Ceccanti (Unknown), Andrea Ceccanti (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
    • 17:55 18:05
      HTTP Protocol Update 10m
      Speaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US))
    • 18:05 18:15
      Xrootd Protocol Update 10m
      Speaker: Wei Yang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
    • 18:15 18:35
      Discussion 20m