Data Camp for STEM teachers
Virtual (Zoom)
UPRM, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Note: Registration is limited to 15 participants and deadline to apply is 15 June, 2020
Place: Virtual (Zoom link click here)
The NSF funded project (NSF Grant No. 1829707) FIRST-HEP (Framework for Integrated Research Software Training in High Energy Physics) strives to create a highly visible model and framework for future software training evolution within the U.S. and international HEP (High Energy Physics) communities. Its plan includes a dedicated outreach activity on software training to the local Puerto Rico STEM teachers. The most effective way for FIRST-HEP to reach K-12 students and parents is to train teachers in the basics of computing and its vital role in science.
In the data camp K-12 teachers would analyze real dataset from the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and interpret their findings by making plots. This quantitative and software experience will help build skills that can be very useful in classroom and lab settings of a Physics course.
For those registered please take the Survey and go through Data Camp Intro notebook via the links on the left menu of this page.