10:15 AM
CERN Disk Storage Services
Luca Mascetti
10:30 AM
EOS+CTA: Adding tape storage capability to EOS
Michael Davis
10:45 AM
EOS as storage back-end for JRC data science
Armin Burger
(European Commission - Joint Research Centre)
11:00 AM
Alternative to tape based archive storage project at KISTI
Heejune Han
(Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR))
Jeongheon Kim
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Sang Un Ahn
(Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR))
11:15 AM
The great migration - decommissioning the Wigner data centre.
Oliver Keeble
11:25 AM
EOS operations: deployment of QuarkDB as namespace backend
Cristian Contescu
11:35 AM
EOSHOME Backup Update
Roberto Valverde Cameselle
11:40 AM
FUSEX / client deployment status at CERN
Jan Iven
11:50 AM
Herding K8S
Crystal Michelle Chua
12:00 PM
EOS Documentation for Enterprise Users
Gregor Molan