Updated angular analysis of the decay $B^{0}\rightarrow K^{*0}(\to K^+ \pi^-)\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$
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In the past few years there has been increasing interest in b → sll processes, due to the emergence of several intriguing tensions between measured observables and SM predictions. Of particular interest is the study of angular distributions of such decays, where measurements of angular observables, which carry reduced theory uncertainties, can offer detailed insight on the nature of potential new physics models. A previous measurement of the angular distribution of B0 → K∗0(→ K+π−)μ+μ− decays at LHCb, using data collected during Run 1, found a ten- sion at the level of 3 standard deviations with the Standard Model. This seminar will present an update of the angular analysis of B0 → K∗0(→ K+π−)μ+μ− decays, including data col- lected during 2016. The total data set is roughly double the size of that previously analysed.
M. Mangano, M. Pepe-Altarelli, G. Unal.......... Refreshments will be served at 10h30
Abhijit Mathad
Achintya Rao
Adam Morris
Admir Greljo
Alberto Bragagnolo
Andreas Schopper
Artem Vasyukov
Benjamin Allanach
Bennie WARD
Bhargav Madhusudan Joshi
Bill Murray
Bolek Pietrzyk
Christopher Young
Claudia Cornella
Corinne Pralavorio
Dario Buttazzo
Deepak Kumar
Diego Guadagnoli
Dominik Mitzel
Ed Unverricht
Elena Graverini
Emidio Gabrielli
Flavio Archilli
Giovanni Passaleva
Guillaume Pietrzyk
Guillaume Unal
Joaquim Matias
Jonas Wurzinger
Kevin Nicholas Barends
Lakshan Ram Madhan Mohan
Lata Panwar
Leonardo Cristella
Maeve Madigan
Marcel Materok
Marina Artuso
Marlon B. Barbero
Martha Hilton
Mason Proffitt
Mat Charles
Mathew Thomas
Michael Robert Trott
Michelangelo Mangano
Mick Mulder
Mikhail Mikhasenko
Monica Pepe-Altarelli
Naomi Cooke
Nicolas Stylianou
Paula Alvarez Cartelle
Pavel Krokovny
Philipp Windischhofer
Preema Rennee Pais
Radoslav Marchevski
Robert Szafron
Roberta Volpe
Rui Wang
Rupert Tombs
Santeri Laurila
Sergey Troitskiy
Sheldon Stone
Shiuli Chatterjee
Sophie Kretzschmar
Vagelis Gkougkousis
Vincenzo Cacchio
Xavier Coubez