Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

CEADS - Central European Alumni Directors Summit 2021

from Monday 21 June 2021 (08:30) to Tuesday 22 June 2021 (16:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Jun 2021
22 Jun 2021
09:00 CASE - up-date and discussion   ()
10:00 Our highlights and challenges - Part 2   ()
11:30 Summary and next steps   ()
12:00 Arrival, lunch and introductions   ()
13:00 Welcome address by CERN management   ()
13:30 CERN Alumni Relations - The High-Energy Network   ()
14:15 Topics to be addressed   ()
15:15 --- Coffee break ---
15:45 Our highlights and challenges - Part 1   ()
17:00 --- Transport to experimental facilities ---
17:15 Visit of CERN underground experimental facilities   ()
18:15 --- Transport back to Meyrin Site ---
18:30 --- Brief tour at the CERN hostel for check-in ---
19:00 --- Transport to restaurant ---
19:30 Dinner at participants' own expenses   ()
12:00 Lunch   ()
13:30 Workshop on a specific topic of interest [Optional, for those able to stay longer]   ()