29 June 2010 to 2 July 2010
University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone
The aim of the workshop is to review the main calculational tools, such as generators and Monte Carlos, for searches of the New Physics at present and future colliders as well as in non-collider physics experiments such as dark-matter searches. Issues and codes pertaining to the background will also be covered. Ultimately, the goal is a first comparison of all such tools with real data from the LHC and elsewhere. The workshop is structured around (i) a series of talks (with and without software demo), (ii) tutorials, and (iii) round-table discussions. The talks give an overview of available tools, the tutorials convey hands-on information of the main packages, and in the round-table discussions we hope to discuss how the existing programs could be improved, how to incorporate different existing constraints, how to best present future data, and how modules from different codes could be sewn together and interchanged. The workshop webpage is on the NExT Institute website.
University of Southampton
West Side Building
Winchester School of Art Park Avenue Winchester Hampshire SO23 8DL UK
TOOLS 2010 is sponsored by the European Commission, through its Framework Programme 6, within the Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses, Series of Events programme under the Contract PHYSTEV (CT-2006-046171). Full financial support is available for approximately 40 eligible researchers. This includes waiving of registration fee, per diem for local expenses and accomodation as well as travel allowance (the maximum allowance depending on the country of residence). A selection process will take place to ensure that various participation quotas imposed by the Commission are met. Allocation of funds will be completed soon after the closing of the registration date.