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Viable Full Unification of the Standard Model into $E_8$

24 Aug 2021, 21:20


Grand Unified Theories Grand Unified Theories


Francisco J. de Anda N.


A 10 dimensional model with $\mathcal{N}=1$ SUSY and $E_8$ as a gauge symmetry will be presented. It will be shown that through the orbifold $\mathbb{𝑇}^6/(\mathbb{Z}_3\times\mathbb{z}_3$, only the Standard Model remains after compactification, with feasible Yukawa couplings. Gauge coupling unification can be achieved at energies as low as $M_{GUT}=10^7 GeV$ with a viable proton lifetime. Therefore the highly predictive extra dimensional GUT model can be within reach of near future experiments.

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