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Supergravity Inflation in braneworld

24 Aug 2021, 16:40


Early Universe Cosmology Early Universe Cosmology


Mudassar Sabir (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan)


We discuss supergravity inflation in braneworld cosmology for the class of potentials $V(\phi)=\alpha \phi^n\rm{exp}(-\beta^m \phi^m)$ with $m=1,~2$. These minimal SUGRA models evade the $\eta$ problem due to a broken shift symmetry and can easily accommodate the observational constraints. In the high energy regime $V/\lambda\gg 1$, the numerical predictions and approximate analytic formulas are given for the scalar spectral index $n_s$ and tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. The models with smaller $n$ are preferred while the models with larger $n$ are out of the $2\sigma$ region. Remarkably, the $\rho^2/\lambda$ correction to the energy density in Friedmann equation results in sub-Planckian inflaton excursions $\Delta\phi <1$.

Primary author

Mudassar Sabir (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan)


Waqas Ahmed (Hubei Polytechnic University) Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Dr Shan Hu (Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei 430062, China) Tianjun Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Lina Wu (School of Science, Xi'an Technological University)

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