Detecting primordial black hole as dark matter by induced gravitational waves

23 Aug 2021, 10:55


Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics


Shi Pi (ITP, CAS)


Primordial black holes (PBHs) may form when the high peaks of the primordial density perturbation re-enter the Hubble horizon, while at the same time gravitational waves induced by the density perturbation at second order are generated. Currently observational constraints make it possible for asteroid-mass PBHs to be all dark matter, whose concomitant induced GWs are in the millihertz band. I will show that if all or a large portion of the PBHs are composed of dark matter, the corresponding induced gravitational wave energy spectrum must be detectable by space-borne interferometers like LISA, irrespective of linear local non-Gaussianity of the scalar perturbation.

Primary author

Shi Pi (ITP, CAS)

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