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CTA deployment meeting

31/S-023 (CERN)



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Michael Davis (CERN)

Schema Validation Tool


  1. Cédric: SQL for each version of the schema will be compiled into the schema verify binary.
  2. Cédric: start by using Liquibase as the schema migration tool. After one week, evaluate if this tool does what we want with minimal development effort.

Round Table


  • Testing which must take place before ATLAS migration:
    • ATLAS recall exercise
    • Archival stress testing
    • Test concurrent archival, retrieval, deletion ("the mutex test")
    • FTS multi-hop test
  • ATLAS recall exercise will include 4 PB of data from CTA.
  • The start date of the recall exercise will be announced on Monday. They would like to start as early as possible (perhaps as early as Tuesday).
  • EOSCTAATLAS instance needs to be configured and ATLAS catalogue migrated from CASTOR before the recall exercise.
  • FTS multi-hop needs to be integrated into Rucio and tested. (The FTS part is implemented and was already tested by the Rucio team).
  • In order to complete the recall exercise and all of the testing, a date of 1 April for putting ATLAS into production seems reasonable. This date needs to be agreed with ATLAS and communicated.
  • We need to make sure we are communicating with everyone who will be affected by the change (including Tier-1, DAQ, etc.). Example questions, "Will nsls work?"


  1. Steve and Cédric will be the liason for ALICE
  2. Julien will be the liason for ATLAS and CMS
  3. Michael will be the liason for LHCb


  • TSMON daily report is in production.


  • Vlado will repack 5 tapes and report back next week.


  • Immutable files is broken, Steve is coordinating with Rainer to find a solution.


  1. Michael will coordinate with Mihai to test delete on closew


  • Eric is mostly occupied with CASTOR.


  1. Eric to contact Xavi to add an item to next ITUM agenda (17 February 2020): new users will no longer have a home directory in CASTOR by default.


  • Creating website landing page is urgent as we need it for communicating with the experiments.
  • Monitoring/statistics: logging the daily statistics has to be done before we go into production.
  • cta-admin tapefile ls : this now allows namespace lookups from EOS using gRPC, paving the way to remove the file path from the CTA catalogue. Some additional work required so the frontend knows which EOS instance should be queried.


  • The EOS team will have a new meeting on Tuesday mornings which will be used to set the agenda for their devops meeting on Tuesday afternoons. We are welcome to attend this meeting and to raise issues.
  • There will be a visit from RAL on Monday afternoon. Oliver and Michael will meet with Alastair and Alison.
  • Victor proposes to come to CERN between 15 July and 12 October.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:05 14:15
      Schema Validation Tool 10m

      Cédric: Update and proposals

    • 14:15 14:25
      Round Table 10m

      Status updates.

      What are the blockers for putting CTA into production at end of January?

    • 14:25 14:35
      AOB 10m